Summer Swimming Safety Tips from EMT Siren
August 6, 2015
Fire Prevention Week 2015
October 2, 2015Hey friends,
I have some important safety tips to pass along.
I want you to know about the dangers of electrical fires.
It’s important for you to remember that two-thirds of all electrical fires begin in plugs or cords on appliances. These can include things like refrigerators, air conditioner or even lamps!
Frayed cords can expose electrical wires and those wires spark on contact with each other.
There are some simple steps you can take to prevent electrical fires.
Here are some things you can do:
- Make sure your parents you light bulbs that are appropriate for the light fixture.
- Make sure all of the electrical cords in your home are protected from damage. This is a big one! here are ways you can do it: don’t run cords under carpets or rugs and never hang cords from nails.
- Make sure you get your appliances inspected – this is a way to ensure they’re running smoothly.
- Give your TV some space! Your appliances like TVs, stereos and computers need lots of space so they don’t overheat.
- Be a watch dog, just like me! Make sure appliances are unplugged when they’re not in use – things like toaster ovens, hair dryers and coffee pots.
- And finally, make sure to tell your parents that power strips and surge protectors DO NOT provide more power! Don’t rely on them too heavily and make sure your parents don’t, either. They should NEVER be overloaded or have too many things plugged into them.
Doing all of these things can help ensure you and your family stay safe from electrical fires.
Check out our flash facts here for more tips and make sure you stay #FDNYSmart!