Did You Remember to Change the Batteries in Your Smoke and CO Alarms?
November 3, 2014
Let it Snow! And Remember to Stay Safe and #FDNYSmart
January 26, 2015I love the holiday season! Getting to spend time with my family and friends, playing in the snow, eating yummy treats and sharing holiday cheer are some of my favorite things to do! I love to decorate my dog house in festive lights and light candles to get in the holiday spirit. It’s important to remember some important things to stay safe during these festive times, though!
I always make sure to check my holiday lights for defects and I make sure all of my electric outlets are working properly in an effort to prevent fire.
Another thing I like to keep in mind: I make sure all of my favorite decorations are far away from any heat sources and open flames so I can keep them for years to come. And I always remember to blow out my candles before leaving to enjoy the holidays with my family!
Check here for a few more tips to keep you and your family safe this holiday season!
Happy holidays to you and yours, and a happy, healthy New Year!