Staying #FDNYSmart This Summer
June 15, 2016
FDNY Kicks off Summer Block Parties!
July 13, 2016Hi Friends! This is Hot Dog here with an all new #FDNYSmart Barks blog. Independence Day is coming up and there are a few safety tips I would like to share to help keep your holiday fun and more importantly safe!
Fireworks Safety
Nothing says Independence Day like fireworks. But remember folks, keep it to the professionals. It is actually illegal to use, possess or explode any fireworks in New York City. According to the American Burn Association, there are around 10 thousand people medically treated for fireworks – related injuries each year. Did you know, more often than not, it’s the bystanders who are getting hurt, especially children. Almost half of all fireworks injuries occur among children ages 14 and younger. The parts of the body that tend to get injured in fireworks accidents include hands, fingers, eyes, head and face.
Sparklers are especially dangerous. They can heat up to 1800 degrees, which is hot enough to melt gold. Clothes can easily catch on fire.
If you see someone using fireworks, or see the delivery or sale of fireworks, you can call 311 anonymously.
Burn Safety
Family, friends and food! That’s often the perfect way many New Yorkers love to spend their holidays.
According to the National Fire Protection Agency, that’s when danger can happen. Cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home injuries. The leading cause of kitchen fires is leaving the area unattended when cooking. The most important thing is to be aware and alert. Make sure to stay in the kitchen when cooking. A good tip is to use a timer to remind yourself that something is on the stove or the oven. Keep anything that can catch fire, such as oven mitts, wooden utensils, packaging or towels away from your stovetop. If a fire does occur, quickly get out and call 911.
For those of you that are lighting up the grill, don’t forget to read up on our #FDNYSmart tips for BBQ here.
Be Sure to Hydrate
With all the fun activities going on, sometimes you forget the importance of staying hydrated. If you aren’t drinking enough fluid, you may experience symptoms of fatigue, muscle cramps, dizziness or more.
It is important to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of liquid each day, more if you are active. Staying hydrated is critical because your bodies sweat more and lose more water in the heat. It is especially important for our little friends to drink enough as they are often the most susceptible to dehydration. Eating foods high in water such as fruits and vegetables is also helpful. So keep that in mind when packing the picnic.
Remember, following our fire and life safety tips will keep you, your family members, and friends #FDNYSmart this Independence Day!. Plus be sure to follow us on Twitter! You can find Hot Dog and Siren here.