Siren’s Swimming Safety Tips!
May 27, 2015
Bee Sting Safety
July 13, 2015Hi friends, Firefighter Hot Dog and EMT Siren here!
We hope you enjoyed our Summer Safety PSA and learned some helpful tips that you will share with your friends and family. We’re here today to teach you even more tips on how to stay #FDNYSmart when playing outside in the heat this summer!
One of the most important things to remember this summer is to always protect yourself from the sun and its heat. The best ways to do this are to be certain you periodically apply sunscreen, cover exposed parts of your bodies with clothing (and don’t forget a hat to protect your head and sunglasses to protect your eyes!), take breaks in the shade, and stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and other fluids to avoid becoming dehydrated. Applying sunscreen is important so that the sun’s harmful rays do not burn your skin and cause sunburn, wrinkles, or skin cancer. Sunscreen should be applied 15 to 30 minutes before heading outdoors so that it has enough time to absorb into your skin, and should be applied to all exposed parts of your bodies, even the tips of your noses and backs of your knees! Be sure to apply sunscreen every two hours, especially after swimming, sweating, or drying off with a towel. Remember: you can still get sunscreen on a cloudy day, and the sun’s harmful rays reflect off water, sand, and concrete. Drinking lots of water is the easiest way to stay hydrated when playing outside this summer! We recommend that adults drink six to eight glasses of liquids each day, but children need more since they are more active. Staying hydrated is especially important in the heat because your bodies sweat more and lose more water; you must drink enough fluids to replenish what we lose! It is especially important for children and seniors to drink often, since both are more susceptible to dehydration.
If you and your family are planning any BBQs this summer, be sure to be careful with and around your grill. Remember that BBQ grills are designed for outside use only, and using one inside could result in fire and serious injury. Once it is lit, never leave a grill unattended. Encourage children to stay away from grills and any open flames. Be sure to use utensils with long handles to avoid burns and splatters. It’s important for adults to inspect the propane tank they are using to grill. Never attempt to repair the propane tank valve or appliance yourself, always have a professional do the job so no one gets hurt.
Having a working smoke alarm on all floors of your home is the number one defensive device against house fires. One is simply not enough! Install a smoke alarm on every floor of your home, including your basement. Smoke alarms should be placed in the center of a room on the ceiling, 4 inches from a wall. If the smoke alarm is installed on a wall, make sure it is placed between 4 and 12 inches from the ceiling. It is key to have smoke alarms present within 15 feet of all sleeping areas, to make sure you and your loved ones can hear them in case a fire occurs during the night. It’s important for your family to be able to recognize what your smoke alarms sound like, so it is a good idea to stage a practice drill! It is extremely important to make sure that you check your batteries often to be certain that your smoke alarm is fully functional and will alert your family in the event of a fire.
Remember, following our fire and life safety tips will keep you, your family members, and friends #FDNYSmart this summer! Be sure to watch our PSA here and share it with all your friends. Follow us on Twitter for more Smart Barks, at @HotDogFDNY and @SirenFDNY. Happy summer, and don’t forget #TakeItFromFDNY!